Treatments for 3 year old with CP — Scope | Disability forum
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Treatments for 3 year old with CP

kaiz Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited October 2017 in Cerebral palsy
I have a 3yrs old boy who is cerebral palsy. He was borned with quite yellow eyes but the doctor was checked him up and sent us home without any notice, I took him back to hospital on the third day because he wasn’t drank any milk for that day , but it also took 8 hours to put him under the blue uv light, then the next day he had his blood transfusion because his hyper bilirubin lever was still too high, at this point we had a warning from the doctor about the brain damage because the level of the hyper bilirubin. Then few months after we found he has cerebral palsy with global development delay and feeding difficulties. 
Now he can do some crawling, rabbits hops, walking around furnitures and claiming the stairs.
But we really wish  he can do things independently. Do you have any stem cell treatment or therapy that is suit him? Or are there any trials he can have a try please. 


  • Pippa_Alumni
    Pippa_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,793 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @kaiz

    Unfortunately I'm not a medical professional and therefore cannot advise on medical matters, such as recommending specific types of treatment or therapy. If you have concerns about your son's condition, it's always best to speak to a professional involved in their care.

    However, you may like to read Scope's resource on Cerebral Palsy if you haven't done so already, and you may find it interesting to read previous discussions in our Cerebral Palsy group.

    Have a lovely day!
