How can I proof I have a hidden disabilty — Scope | Disability forum
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How can I proof I have a hidden disabilty

jubbyuk Community member Posts: 10 Connected
hi there

i am on the autistic spectrum, I don’t qualify for dla or pip apparently as don’t require the about of support for those benifits. 

This is in itself isn’t a issue as I only claimed these so I would have proof I’m disabled. 

I dont want to carry carry around a diagnosis letter as may get lost and also has very personal information on that was disclosed at the time of the diagnosis. 

I dobt want want to pay for a card that isn’t recognised either. 

How ow can I go about proofing I’m disabled and at times need support of others with me even sometimes my own children. 


  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,671 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @jubbyuk
    Welcome to the community, can you give an example of the sort of situation you would want to prove your autism?

    I have a condition called ulcerative colitis and have a permanent ostomy bag and so I have something called a 'Cant Wait Card' from the charity Crohns and Colitis UK for if I need to access a bathroom quickly.

    Is it for social situations that you want something for or more formal reasons?

    There is an Autism Alert card available through the National Autistic Society that is £2.50 - would this help?
    Senior online community officer
  • jubbyuk
    jubbyuk Community member Posts: 10 Connected
    It is for any time I'm asked to show what my disability is.  As there is no longer a register it seems most places only accept a dla/pip award, blue badge or buss pass noether or which I currently get (currently fighting for pip)

    Sometimes it is for access by the disabled entrance - most of the time this isn't an issue as if with one of my kids who also has ASD they can show there award letter.  The reason to use the disabled entrance is the queue as I can find this distressing.  Legoland I have found out is different - if you need a ride access pass you need a letter from GP or similar, all the other stuff that is normaly requested is not valid as doesn't show the needs of the person.  Incidentally they don't recognise the DID or the access cards that have been quoted and also cost.
    A lot of the time i need someone with me to help if showing signs of having a meltdown, so the cost of places goes up - to access free carer I need to be claiming the above benefits etc.  Not a big thing but if I need to take someone and the entry is then double means I am excluded if can't afford, but this is not viewed in my experience as being dicrimintry as they offer the free ticket I just "not disabled enough".

    Autism Alert cards are not accepted at many places as they can be bought by anyone, the NAS seems to offer very little support for adults on the spectrum.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @jubbyuk and welcome email to the community.

    It might help if you could give an example.

    If it is about approaching someone for help while out, when my daughter began going places on her own we bought her a medic aid neckless. On the back it had Aspergers and the wife's mobile number. This was meant for emergencies, but had a huge positive effect when out. Shops and other places staff were a lot friendlier and when she was getting upset or anxious strangers would approach her to ask if she okay,and we're often able to help her.

    They are a good way of letting others know you have a condition and may need assistance without having to go into explanations. 

    Hope this offer so easy possible solution for you.

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  • jubbyuk
    jubbyuk Community member Posts: 10 Connected
    For example - I need to not queue and use a disabled access, when asked for proof I don't have any and get anxious having to describe to someone my ASD as everyones understanding of it is different - some are great most aren't.

    Being able to show a recognised card is better rather than having to remember to have my letter - this will not fit in my wallet and don't want to lose it out of my pocket.

    Sometimes when asking for carers tickets can be questoned.  I have to say so far Sheffield Theatres never have but I'm always anxious for that first time.  If questioned I will get stressed and walk away with no tickets at all.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello everybody  You can see I am disabled because of my physical appearance.  This is a differculty for all of us in our community..  I had met someone in a support group a while ago and he has a disabled card from the council a green card.  Yet I have nothing like this.  I have to rely on my judgement and the awareness when I go out of services of people when I go out.  Having then being a target of hate crime the last few years I carry a card issued by the police.  Their community services that deal with hate crime.  It is small and it says I need some support and contact numbers of a friend and my support workers details. One final point is it possible for you to make a card your self listing details and your disabilities.  Add numbers and get someone to sign it on your behalf.  I am sorry this is happening to you.  I hope any of this helps. 
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  • Sam_Alumni
    Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,671 Disability Gamechanger
    Do you see anyone regarding your ASD? Could you ask if they could do you a formal letter with the personal info redacted? Then photocopy this and keep the original safe at home?
    Senior online community officer
  • jubbyuk
    jubbyuk Community member Posts: 10 Connected
    I do have a copy of the letter my consoler sent to DWP. His doesn’t give specifics but descrIbes ASD 
  • jubbyuk
    jubbyuk Community member Posts: 10 Connected
    Unable to get copy of diagnosis letter with out paying a large fee. 
    I have a disability I have been diagnosed with this disability but unable to proof I have one to other people when requested. 
  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Community member Posts: 93 Courageous
    Can I say something got two disability one I got Dyspraxia and second now Half deaf even wear hearing aid I found volunteering job don't want half deaf person there so will lost the voluntary jobs because of our deaf which is wrong last volunteering job was making space and told could not be volunteering because was half deaf but at movement Stafford Staffordshire are wose recovery health health at movement I miss richens fellowship just feel I be bully back work because of cut back. Now at back upper Morton farm as learning again not voluntary Stafford Staffordshire won't have deaf or half deaf working for them in case can't hear fire alarm so I get told can't job because half deaf and I know not only one.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello I agree what you have written about your deafness and the problems in volunteering.  I do understand this.  As a person who has deafness no one has the patience and tolerance do they.  I volunteered much of my life and have only stopped because of the some of the problems experiencing with various organisations.  Many of them for disabled people and mental illness.  This has effected my well being and why I am lonely.
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  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Community member Posts: 93 Courageous
    Yes me too lonely too It hard for me Do you feel  in two different worlds for e.g hear world and deaf world? I feel in between Do know little sign lauage but mostly brought makton sign language but not give up hope.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello thank you for replying thing is I can not sign because I have fingers missing.  The other issue with deafness is that you misinterpret what people are saying.  Which results in sometimes annoying misunderstandings and causes me much distress.  Even comic moments on the bright side.  As I say I have problems saying my worms.  What people do not know is that you can not hear what you say or speak.  Often interrupt people because I think they have finished a conversation and I have to explain everything.  Then they start to mouth words or end up hollering or shouting.  My mother who when I got a trial of a hearing aids damn uncomfortable the things started whistling and squeaking did have to turn them off due to her constant shouting at me.  Now hearing getting worse due to age and people today do not have patience.  Support worker great with me and understands my situation.  I am like you just trying my best and never give up.  This helps me being here talking and being part of this forum and community.  Hope to speak to you soon.
    Community Champion
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  • Dasiydo
    Dasiydo Community member Posts: 93 Courageous
    Of Crouse my secret is cope with hearing aid take out in evering but got wear them in morning all Crouse I doing. I enjoyed life till some one don't understand dyspraxia or deaf but I do like you never give up hope at movement do few Crouse around Staffordshire talk to you when Crouse finished I do Crouse making Christmas card on Windows 7 but know at early at movement hope speek to you soon
  • sensorykidsworld
    sensorykidsworld Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    There's a hand card and carers passport card x
