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Which would be the best for us to claim? Benefits advice please

loopy1989 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi. I'm a 37 year old woman with disabilities and also have a 9 year old with disabilities. He is in receipt of high rate care and low rate mobility on dla and I get standard rate for both on pip (I've just been reassessed so it may change).
I have been my sons registered carer but my health has got worse so even though I am doing more than the required 35 hours a week I need more support to do it. My partner has been working full time but we are thinking it may be time for him yo give up work to care for me and to help me with my son.

I'm completely confused on which benefits we would be entitled to or which would be the best to claim. I've had esa before but it stopped when my partner moved in. I think I'm put off claiming it again because even though I was caring for my son they were putting a lot of pressure on me to try and go back to work. They seemed to have no concept of what living with a child with adhd and autism involves and him being at school during the day didn't mean I was free to work!

Any advice would be greatfully received




  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,458 Disability Gamechanger
    @loopy1989, Hello and welcome, I am not a benefits adviser so I would go and seek advice from your local citizens advice Center who hopefully will have a benefits adviser to help you if not point you in the right direction, At no point your partner should not give up his job until you have looked at all the options that are open to you taking into account what income money you will losse or gain, good luck in getting the right advice.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi loopy and welcome

    As wilko said please seek advice from CAB before you do anything

    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
  • BenefitsTrainingCo
    BenefitsTrainingCo Community member Posts: 2,621 Pioneering
    Hello Loopy

    I would second what has already been posted.  Please seek advice from a local advice agency, as depending on where you live you may need to claim Universal Credit rather than for example ESA or Income Support. 

    Good luck

    The Benefits Training Co:

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