CP and aging — Scope | Disability forum
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CP and aging

SyhysCaY70 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
I am almost 70 and have had CP from birth.The older I get the less control I.have over my muscles. Is this normal? Is there anything that helps?


  • JennysDad
    JennysDad Community member Posts: 2,299 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @SyhysCaY70 and a warm welcome to the community. Glad you've found us, but sorry we didn't get back to you earlier.
    Although CP was one of my late daughter's problems, I don't know enough to be able to give you a useful answer. What I will do is tag a gentleman on here who can, I'm sure, better advise you @Richard_Scope.
    And if there is anything else that we might be able to assist with or if you need any help finding your way around the site, don't hesitate to let us know.
    Very warmest best wishes to you,
  • debbiedo49
    debbiedo49 Community member Posts: 2,904 Disability Gamechanger
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,659 Scope online community team
    Hi @SyhysCaY70
    Welcome to the Community.
    Thanks for your post.
    I can relate to some of the things that you have mentioned in your post. Ageing affects everybody but people with CP tend to feel the effects more acutely because of the stress we put on our muscles and joints. People like us also use up to 5 time more energy performing basic tasks.

    I will include some links that you might find helpful. The first one is a conversation thread from our Community. It contains advice from people with CP with real-life experiences:

    We also have an advice page about Ageing and Disability:


    I have also included a link to some information from Age Concern here:

    Stay in touch and if there is anything else I can help with, let me know.

    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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  • forgoodnesssake
    forgoodnesssake Community member Posts: 508 Pioneering
    The thing is these resources are not CP specific and from what I am gathering people with CP often experience different types of issues as they age, or at least they may present as similar to arthritis or whatever but may have a more neurologocal cause which many orthopaedic surgeons just don;t get and do not have enough info about.  This is something we have been told Scope is going to develop some more CP specific guidance and information about.
