struggling with leg spasms and work — Scope | Disability forum
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struggling with leg spasms and work

roseteapot Community member Posts: 8 Connected
edited May 2018 in Cerebral palsy
hiya my name is Jo I work 6 hours a day on my feet which does not seem like much but when you suffer from pain in the muscles in your legs its hard.I just want to work but its so hard the other day the pain was so bad in one leg i was hobbling around for the rest of my shift.Not really sure what to do to ease the pain .


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,659 Scope online community team
    Hi @roseteapot
    Great to meet you! 
    Leg spasms are uncomfortable and annoying, have you contacted your G.P.? Now, I don't work on my feet but I do have leg spasms from time to time and I find that a hot bath with bath salts really helps me. I would also look at your footwear.
    I'm going to include a link to a discussion about managing your CP 
    I look forward to talking with you.
    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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  • niceboots
    niceboots Scope Member Posts: 198 Pioneering
    Hi @roseteapot I used to work on my feet up to 6-6 and a half hours a day on my feet until the pain and tiredness got too much. I went on a muscle relaxant called baclofen which really helped, I also went back to wearing splints. As @Richard_Scope said I would speak to your gp and possibly request referrals to physio and orthotics. I did six years of working on my feet and found I had to change to a desk job, which for me was the best thing I’ve done! I can now concentrate on physio and going to the gym when I’m not working to maintain my mobility and fitness, I have now reduced the amount of meds I take.
     I would also suggest warm baths and stretching loads really helps 
  • cpgirl
    cpgirl Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi Jo! I have hemi spastic CP that affects my right side. I've done several things to help with spasms, inc medication (Bacaflen is most prescribed), night stretches and heat packs. Recently, however, what has helped me the most has been a AFO leg brace. The splint positions my leg in a passive stretch so that the contractures minimize significantly. It is difficult to get used to walking  in one, but really it has been the best help for me. 
