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Disabilities is not inability

elias Community member Posts: 7 Connected
My name is elias mandago teacher teaching children with disabilities I doing much.i have the question why in the developing countries like my country Tanzania the community are not yet giving equal opportunities employer opportunity to education because even in the place I a m living people are still hiding children with disabilities.what can I do to eliminate this attitude 


  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Community member Posts: 419 Pioneering
    Hello @elias ,

    It happens in developed countries too. People see the disabled as being nothing like them and they want to avoid them.

    Hiding from those who feel this way just adds to it. People need to see that the disabled are still people like them but they just have problems. People see what they cannot do but not the things they can do.

    The disabled and the non-disabled need to meet more although the non-disabled will want to resist this at first. When everyone can see that people are people no matter the differences then things will get better.

    Social gatherings would be a good place to start.

    Sadly disability is the last in a long history of dislike of differences. It was once just as bad for race, religion and gender.
  • elias
    elias Community member Posts: 7 Connected
    Hello @elias ,

    It happens in developed countries too. People see the disabled as being nothing like them and they want to avoid them.

    Hiding from those who feel this way just adds to it. People need to see that the disabled are still people like them but they just have problems. People see what they cannot do but not the things they can do.

    The disabled and the non-disabled need to meet more although the non-disabled will want to resist this at first. When everyone can see that people are people no matter the differences then things will get better.

    Social gatherings would be a good place to start.

    Sadly disability is the last in a long history of dislike of differences. It was once just as bad for race, religion and gender.
    Thanks nice massage 
  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    Recently, bbc tv has started using visibly disabled presenters, and many children's books and tv characters include disabled cast.     What can you do in the way of obtaining such materials, or simply compiling a data base and links?

    Most parts of the world have mobile phone connection, so even remote villages would probably be able to download  brief links to disabled-inclusive clips from cartoons and bbc.   It is empowering, heartening,  mind-changing and attitude influencing  to   see someone just like yourself or your child being included as a routinely accepted part of everyday work, school and social life 
  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    P.s. it's back to my favourite word. Tabs.  Everyone in the world is either disabled, or else they are Temporarily Able Bodied.    

    Any moment, any Tab can trip and break his ankle,  so he is instantly a Disabled person.     Perhaps the damage is permanent, or perhaps it is short lasting, but now at least he has had  a glimpse of how awkward it is for others who find walking difficult or painful.

    Segregation and denial and hiding away is never a good plan.  Good luck to you and congratulations on what you are aiming to achieve.   Best wishes.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @elias

    I am going to start by apologising if I cause offense as it is not my intention.

    Is the problem really one of understanding the difference between disability and inability? Or is it much more deeply routed in religious, cultural and social beliefs?

    In a country where albanism is considered proof that a wife has slept with a white man or the person is possessed by a ghost, where those with albanism are attacked and body parts removed because people believe it will bring them good luck and wealth, it is not surprising the government stepped in to remove children with Albinism so that they can be protected.

    Where disability is seen as the result of wrong doing by parents (punsihment from God), or self inflicted because either parent, usually the mother, or the individual has done something wrong, or seen as a sign of possession it is easy to understand why so many disabled children are kept hidden, both for the child's protection and the parents.

    Until these beliefs are successfully challenged and changed the situation is unlikely to change. While in the UK we are much more 'enlightened' I have still come across these attitudes and not just from immigrants. Including comments like 'people like "this" should not be allowed out in public'. Sadly it is not a quick fix.

    How you go about changing those attitudes I don't have answers. I was going to suggest blogging, but I assume that the new regulations would make this too expensive for you? 

    I noticed elsewhere you mentioned needing help with funding proposals? Can I suggest contacting someone like Children In Need or one of the other big charities to see if they could provide you with training on how to go about doing this. Children in Need I know work in Tanzania and are likely to understand the local process. 

    As an individual I stood alone.
    As a member of a group I did things.
    As part of a community I helped to create change!

  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    Geoark makes points I would second.    In u.k., among immigrants but also some others, there are various lingering excuses for hatred and cruelty.  Some, often using religion, like to beat or oppress and abuse power. 

    Victims of any power abuse may  include men's  'own'  wives and/or children, and/or  gays, and/or 'witches', and/or unwanted elderly, and/or women who don't want to bring unwanted children into the world.

  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    It is possible to  wish that organisations and governments would accept that the human population expanding like greenfly is not Unquestionably  A  Good Thing.

    For starving women, and for infertile women demanding health resources, getting pregnant is not Unquestionably  A Good Thing

    Stop The Children could be internationally agreed, along with Stop The Wars.

    If women have full freedom of choice over their own bodies, few new births take place at all.     A single, rare, cherished, long planned for child will have not only the financial resources of parents and grandparents' combined life long efforts and savings. He or she will never be in  lack of full attention and care from loving protective adults. 

      He/she will be using the world's vanishing resources  for a century.   A sibling is the very last thing he/she and his/her older relatives need, and the last thing the rest of us on this planet can sustain.

    N.B. The optimum  world population would include elders in good lifelong health, with savings, and economically independent.   

    The notion that children should be bred as slaves  to labour their own life efforts in bondage to  older family members is as bad as any other form of slavery.   

    Other forms of slavery include using using females as domestic drudges and breeders and subsistence farm labourers.   (U.N et al show females mainly toil to produce food for family, plus any cash crops, often appropriated by their men, often to purchase alcohol and other personal spending for the men. )

    An ideal, fair, and economically viable world would comprise far fewer humans, with the female and the male half having,  lifelong,  been equally free to follow the maximum opportunities for mixing remunerative and freely chosen voluntary work,  education, career, enterprise, enjoyment and leisure. 

    Some would have devoted many decades to running a financial enterprise, others might have earned only sufficient to put aside savings and insurance against the day they can no longer earn money, and meanwhile to sustain them while pursuing a singular interest, research or hobby.  Some would have devoted decades of their life resources of time and money to raising a child.

    Theirs would be the only choice where the costs would fall on others.

    Even if they pay full education and health costs, they can in no way compensate for the drain on the planet's resources, which harms  fellow species rapidly becoming extinct, as well as fellow humans already born,  all precariously inhabiting this polluted, poisoned,  warming, contaminated earth. 
