To the Scope team (about featuring my Scoliosis story) — Scope | Disability forum
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To the Scope team (about featuring my Scoliosis story)

Sarah1984 Community member Posts: 43 Courageous
To the Scope team

I was wondering if you would feature my Scoliosis story on the front page of your website or in the features section?  I have attached a photo of myself with this email.   Below is my Scoliosis story. 

My name is Sarah and i am 34 years old.  I was born with Scoliosis, which is a curve of the spine.  Scoliosis isn't as well known as some conditions/disabilities.  I wore a corset brace for a while, when I was at school. After a while I didn't need to wear it anymore. Years a go, a doctor said it would be too dangerous for me to have surgery for my Scoliosis, so I didn't have it. I am short in stature for my age because of Scoliosis. I can walk but when I go out I use a wheelchair (one that someone pushes me in) because I get tired walking. Every 4 or 8 months, (depends if my results are good) I have lung function appointments at a hospital.  My results were good at my appointment in April.  My next appointment is in December.  I live on my own, but i have carers two days a week, for 4 hours each day. 

I have a Facebook blog page called See the person, not just the condition/disability

