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Benefit Advice

Nova Community member Posts: 7 Listener
Hello l m so stressed out about this which l read a lot of people are .l don't know why   l,m feeling really run down l don't want to think its because of this but l think it is .Its an ESA assessment ? which  l have to attend next week ? I am no chicken l will be 65 in April 2019 .But l won't get my pension till the 6th September 2019 .l have just been allowed pip the lower rate in August last year l was just being able to get in front will all my bills but now l am having the carpet liter ally pulled from under my feet .l do feel that l  shouldn't be so selfish as other's are more Disabled than me and are refused the benefit which I always thought was so unjust .l feel that my symptoms are milder than other peoples. l also think l won't qualify for it because l m pension age in fewa  months and that I'm on pip .l couldn't  believe l was given it .but l do have a few disabilities. Some because of my age .l wish I could work but l m so immobile and some days in severe pain l have only been out 5 times this year because of my disabilities and l only feel safe at home where l can lie down .l had a pip  assessment in 2016 and failed because the woman who assessed me lied .so l don't trust any of them l don't know what benefits l will be in titled to after l get my pension l am confused at my age why l,m going for an assessment lve worked all my life but l think its disgraceful why we are all being persecuted .l hope someone can send me down the right path with some advice Thankyou  for any help. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 54,700 Disability Gamechanger

    Your ESA will stop once you reach state pension age, this is because ESA is a working age benefit. They have a habit of sending work capability assessment forms out to those who are almost state pension age, i have no idea why they do this.

    As you have a gap between your ESA stopping and your state pension starting the you need to look into claiming pension credit.

    Speak to your local advice centre for face to face advice.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • Nova
    Nova Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thankyou  Poppy for your advice  it  is very  helpful  what l don't understand why they  are sending me on this wild goose chase if l won't qualify for ESA because of my age why don't they just tell me in a letter instead of making me go to this assessment  and my son having  to take a day off work to go with me  just to humiliate me by asking me all personal question like if I can wipe my own  bum my son will not only lose a days pay but as l can't walk to the bus stop we will have to take a taxi my son has a car but there is nowhere to park up there ho well like sheep l will have to do as I am told and follow the herd .Once again Thankyou Poppy  for the advice
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,209 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi Nova

    If you request that the assessment is recorded it is likely to delay the process until after your birthday

    With regard to PIP,do you think you qualify for enhanced rate in either component ?

    The PIP award that you have at retirement age will continue as long as you meet the criteria. If you think that you are now entitled to the mobility element you should consider making a change in circumstance before your birthday. This will result in a  new assessment and new decision with the right to appeal if you do not receive the award that you deserrve.
    Now is the only time you have to apply for mobility as once you hit 65 it will be gone for ever

    Please get trained advice form CAB, Welfare rights, Age UK or any simiar
    Be all you can be, make  every day count. Namaste
  • Nova
    Nova Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hello  CockneyRebel  Thanks for your advice about asking for an audio recorded assessment which lve requested in the last hour hopefully it will give me some more time .l also contacted the citizens advice they said I need an appointment to see an adviser which l made for the 28th of this month they said they are fully booked till then .When l spoke to the man at the DWP. I said  what's the point of the assessment if it will be stopped when l reach my pension age  anyway .He said they send out assessment appointments to everyone that is nearing there 65th  birthday  ? And he said because l am  receiving the benefit for a few months more l need this medical  what's the point, l ve been told for many years by various people that life gets easier the older you get (  LIARS ) .and l don't know any rich pensioners that everyone keeps going on about  .Thanks once again for your advice it feels like lm not alone .?


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