Anyone live in Liverpool City Council region? — Scope | Disability forum
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Anyone live in Liverpool City Council region?

msannahk12 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi there. We have a two year old daughter with complex needs, both learning and physical. We are currently under Sefon council but are considering a move to south Liverpool, where we’d fall under Liverpool City Council. We are quite happy with the support our daughter gets in Sefton (physio, speech, OT, portage who all interact with her nursery as well as come to the home, and provide lots of equipment), and we’d like to know more about the quality of care in Liverpool. Before we go any further with the move I want to see if I can get insight into the council provisions in Liverpool for children with similar needs, and how comparable they are. 

Would love to hear of the experiences of anyone living there. 

Thank you so much in advance. Anna 

