Need help figuring out if I have mild cerebral palsey — Scope | Disability forum
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Need help figuring out if I have mild cerebral palsey

Amanda1122 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hello,I am 27 years old. I am a twin who was born a little early and weighed 3 pounds. When I was born they kept me in the hospital for a few weeks and my mom told me they were worried that I might have had cerebral palsey. That's all I know about that. My whole life I've had a learning disability. Growing up I was known as the clumsy one and it was the family joke. Was also told that I walk a bit off cetered,like I couldn't walk a straight line to save my life. I also have tremors quite frequently in my hands. And 2 curved pinkie fingers I was born with. What made me question this possibility was 2 years ago I started a housekeeping job and within a month my feet were just wrecked. I had plantar fasciitis. My doctor told me from how little muscle tone in my feet and how they tend to curve inward reminded him of his patients with cerebral palsey. And once I went to physical there I realized from my hips down to my knees,to my feet curved inward. And that I am much weaker than I imagined. Now I started another housekeeping job and it's only been a month but my wrists and hands are starting to go already. I don't understand how these things that take other people years to get are happening so quickly with me. So I've been studying and a lot of what I grew up with,medical issues and pains I just ignored are kind of fitting into some of the symptoms of mild cerebral palsey. I know I should see a doctor but for now I want to know what you think. It's getting harder to not be "clumsy". I drop things a lot and feel like I misstep a lot. It's like my hands aren't cooperating with my brain. I just want your opinion on if i am over reacting or if it sounds like a possibility. Because that could change a lot for me and how I choose to live. Please don't think bad of me.i pushed it to the back of my mind for so long but she my doctor told me he wouldn't have done my feet surgery if he had know I could have this,it really set me off. Thank you for reading,any advice you can give is much appreciated. 


  • Matildacat
    Matildacat Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    Hi Amanda. I really feel for you.  I'm not sure why you think people would think bad of you. Maybe you should go back to your Gp and ask him to refer you to someone medical with experience of CP. Very Best Wishes.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Amanda1122 and a warm welcome to the community! We don't think bad of you at all, please don't worry about that. I imagine this is stressful to not have answers and to feel like someone has been missed.

    Unfortunately we are not medical professionals so cannot advise you on a diagnosis. However, if CP is really mild then it is not unheard of for it to go unnoticed until adulthood, with some people being diagnosed when they are a lot older than yourself.

    I would advise going back to your GP and asking for a referral to be made and I hope this clears things up for you. There are many people on the community with CP (myself included) and I will tag our cerebral palsy specialist @Richard_Scope.

    Please do let us know how you get on and if you need to talk about anything then just give us a shout :)

  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,660 Scope online community team
    Hi @Amanda1122
    Great to have you with us :)
    Some of the things that you describe could potentially be indicators of having a condition such as cerebral palsy (CP) but not necessarily so. I think the important point here is that you have concerns and you sound as if you need those concerns addressing by an appropriate person. It would not be right for me to speculate if you have CP but I would suggest that you express them to your doctor and begin the process of getting a formal diagnosis.

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    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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