Staying in employment — Scope | Disability forum
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Staying in employment

kami24 Community member Posts: 402 Pioneering
So i have bpd so this means i move jobs alot will it affect working tax credits if i mive around jobs alot or then go back on benefits and will it be UC if you stop work suddenly even if you were claiming working tax credits whilst working because you are  on pip and esa /esa previously?? 


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    Hi @kami24. There are no new claims for Working Tax Credit (the exception being if you get Child Tax Credit, you can add Working Tax Credit to your claim, or if you're getting SDP, so can still apply for legacy benefits  because of that). When you move between jobs, there's a grace period of a maximum of four weeks where they'll continue to pay Working Tax Credit.
    There's some more information here that might help.
    Community Manager
