Rejected for pips. By givingup — Scope | Disability forum
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Rejected for pips. By givingup

Hi all,
Just received my dreaded reply about my pip claim, rejected out of hand, 0 in every section! I am going to appeal through my local citizens advice centre but of course what I do to pay my rent ,bills money for food, who knows, I get esa which has been drastically reduced when my partner came to live with me, 
With my mental health problems which when I went for my assessment have been completely ignored , maybe I should of slit my wrists, sorry but that's now how I feel, would of been the only way to make them understand? But I doubt it! So much for government etc saying there trying to get people to understand mental health!
Anyway, I'll try to keep this appeal thing updated on here to help others if I can. 
Sorry, at the moment I feel so dejected and rejected. Al.


  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @givingup. Welcome to Scope. 

    Oh don’t give up! Ring CAB now and see if they can help you contest the decision. Ask to talk to a benefits advisor. Definitely appeal. Focus on reasons why you need the money not on inaccurate information in the assessment report.

    Give a list of reasons as well to back up each statement. Provide examples of situations or tasks that are hard to do independently too. Prepare for the worst case scenario a tribunal in case. Keep us posted on the outcomes. Unfortunately a bad assessment is really common on here. It does not give you much confidence or hope, does it? You can check this list of descriptors to see where you should have scored points.

    Have you contacted a mental health charity or not? It might be worth asking for a referral to a counsellor or therapist in the area. Regarding your mental health issues, give MIND a call or look online. Also speak to your family doctor and politely request their help. Good luck!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Just got a letter saying I'm not entitled to any pip, scored 0 on everything! Going to appeal through my local citizens advice but what I'll do for money in the meantime is anyone's guess, my esa and housing benefit have been cut to the bone because my partner and carer, who now won't receive careers allowance, moved in with me. At my assessment for pips maybe if I'd slit my wrists it may have helped, but I doubt it?
    So much for government etc saying they understand about people with mental health problems , I've been ill since 19 and am now 55! I feel so dejected and unwanted by society in general. What's the point I wonder!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Sorry, don't know why my post got repeated. I'm actually waiting to see a counselor and told the pips on the form and at the assessment but they haven't taken it onboard.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    I wrote to Frank field M.P. I got a reply a couple of weeks ago. If anyone wants to read it, please let me know and I'll post it on here.
  • Firefly123
    Firefly123 Community member Posts: 530 Pioneering
    Hi I'm so sorry to hear your going through this like so many of us are definitely get expert advice and please contact your local crisis team if you need help x
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    Hi @givingup, I'm really sorry to hear the outcome of your assessment, but very glad you'll be following through on the appeal.
    Sadly, many of our members are going through similar situations, so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any support or advice.
    You can find some advice about appealing the decision here on our website if it's of any use to you.

    If you do feel like you're struggling with thoughts of self-harm or suicide, please give MIND's resources a read and if it escalates, make sure to give Samaritans a call on 116 123 (or email them on
    Community Manager
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Contacted citizens advice last week and they told me to contact dwp for a copy of what the assessor said , which I have now received , the usual pack of lies , anyway I'm getting a phone call tomorrow for citizens advice and arranging a meeting with them to appeal. I still feel so depressed and worthless.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @givingup, I'm sorry to hear you feeling like this. How did the call go today?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    I'm going to see citizens advice briefly on Thursday so they can photocopy my copy of the assessor,s report and letter from dwp saying I,d been refused for pips. Hopefully get a full appointment with them a week on Thursday to go through my appeal . 
    Thank you for your interest.
  • Fight4Justice
    Fight4Justice Community member Posts: 63 Pioneering
    I know how you feel. I've had my PIP taken away from me twice after having a face-to-face reassessment. I had to go through a Mandatory Reconsideration both times, which were both rejected (obviously). However, I won both times at the tribunal stage. But I needed to wait 5+ months both times to reach the tribunal. As your condition seems like a long-term one, it's worth asking in the forms you send off during the appeal to tribunal stage (assuming you fail at the Mandatory Reconsideration stage, which I'm afraid most do), for a longer PIP award. I did this in my last one, and they increased the length of my award from 2yrs, which it has been both times before, to 5yrs. My next review is due in 2021, at which point I expect I will have to go through the whole process again. Hopefully, we might get a change of Govt soon, one that brings some compassion back into the DWP. Anyway, my advice to you is to not give up and go through the process. You'll get your PIP back at the tribunal if you prepare for it properly, and point out all the things the assessor got wrong. Hopefully you might receive a longer award too.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Thank you Fight4Justice
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @givingup, I really hope the appointment goes well today. :)

  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Community member Posts: 441 Pioneering
    Hi @givingup
    I have been following your thread, I have been in a very similar position going back to when I first applied for Disability Living Allowance over 10 years ago, the corrupt so called assessors who are not adequately trained or even qualified to understand the complex nature of most disabilities. 
    I hope things improve for you and you get what you need.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Hi Chloe_Scope, we only went today for the advisor to photocopy my paperwork though we did have a chat, but it's done nothing for my health. But we're seeing her again next Thursday or the following Tuesday to do my appeal.
    I know we're not supposed to be political on here but this lot who are in and made all these changes to benefits have no idea what disabled people are being put through! Sorry, but it needs to be said.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Thank you dolfrog. A bit of good news I'm seeing a cognitive behavior therapist next Tuesday so at I can talk to her and maybe get a letter from her about my condition to help with my appeal?
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Ah okay, that makes sense @givingup. :)

    I hope the other appointments go okay!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Thank you. I'll let everyone know. I feel so angry today
  • Mil_30
    Mil_30 Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    I'm so sorry you going through this. Completely understand you, applied for pip in january, scored 0 points suffer from bad anxiety and depression. Reconsideration was 0 points again. Well on this monday I have tribunal appeal and I'm absolutely petrified of being put down again, of being showed again that mental health dont affect people daily living or mobility. All the lies that pip assesor wrote, that I never even said. Or physical assesment that I never had. I'm petrified but I'm hopefull. I won my esa tribunal couple weeks ago from 6 points to 18. So I will try to show and tell them how my health affects my life, my surviving. I will keep fingers crossed for you xx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 144 Pioneering
    Good luck with your with your tribunal appeal. Let everyone know how it goes?
  • Mil_30
    Mil_30 Community member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thank you and I will x
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