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What game show(s) do you like past and present?

M_Anthony Community member, Scope Volunteer Posts: 309 Pioneering
Most of these are older ones, most are on YouTube if anyone wants to check them out! 
  • Knightmare, this was a 80s/90s show where they used computer graphics and the main player wore a helmet so they couldn't see the blue screens, while the kids watched on a screen and guided them. It was really impressive when it first came out.
  • The Crystal Maze, the original series, not that the newer one is bad! The sets and the way the puzzles covered all skills areas were fantastic
  • Blockbusters, (loved the intro!)
  • Bullseye, a quiz show with darts
  • Fun House, had massive kids adventure zones, this is one show I always wanted to be on growing up
