Controversial TV documentary *TRIGGER WARNING* — Scope | Disability forum
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Controversial TV documentary *TRIGGER WARNING*

Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering
edited January 2020 in Coffee lounge
Please remove if deemed unsuitable - apologies to admin in advance.

First off, let me thank you for jumping on my head without asking questions.

I AM AN ANIMAL LOVER and have an assistance dog in training who receives anything that enriches his life.

Wow, ok so you feel I chose a controversial programme to chat about - Let me tell you ending!!


Animal cruelty is wrong on all respects, however, this particular act brought a nation of animal lovers amongst others together, and it was through this networking that the perpetrator was caught and also took a very dangerous serial killing guy off the streets.

This stuff happens, it's real life!! How can you condemn without knowing the facts?
Ignorance is not bliss, but answer this - 

Does knowing this goes on but you ignore it not mean you are enabling the crime because you haven't acted??


  • cracker
    cracker Community member Posts: 324 Pioneering
    I am an animal lover, too.  My cats are my family.

    Certainly knowing about abuse perpetuates it. In my opinion, animal abusers should be mailed and should stay there.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    No, do you believe by watching the program you have stopped others from doing the same thing? 

    As you are not sure if you remember rightly he was convicted for murder, details of which were more sickening. So while I haven't watched it I was aware of the details.

    He was never charged with the offences of cruelty to animals and while he was investigated for similar murders these were dropped due to lack of evidence.

    As an individual I stood alone.
    As a member of a group I did things.
    As part of a community I helped to create change!

  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    Whatever it is sick. We all know it's out there. Anyone who abused a living thing should be put away for life. Life meaning life, no parole.
  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering
    Exactly this!!

    I don't believe watching it stops others from doing it. What I do believe is that - if you know violence is going on but do nothing about it, then yes, you are perpetuating it.

    That is the point I was trying to make on the original post - about how the collaboration of people all over the world, pooled their resources, shared details which in turn caught this extremely sick individual who had, indeed moved on to more heinous, horrifying crimes.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    I've heard it said that anyone who will abuse an animal could eventually go on to abuse a human. As an animal lover I would like to see them locked up for life, as stated in previous post.
    Any living thing, animal or human, and they go away for life, and throw away the key.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    Onix said:
    Exactly this!!

    I don't believe watching it stops others from doing it. What I do believe is that - if you know violence is going on but do nothing about it, then yes, you are perpetuating it.

    That is the point I was trying to make on the original post - about how the collaboration of people all over the world, pooled their resources, shared details which in turn caught this extremely sick individual who had, indeed moved on to more heinous, horrifying crimes.
    Your reply to @geoark. Reminded me of an appropriate quote and I cant remember who said it and am about to misquoted it now;
    All that is needed for evil to continue is for good men to do nothing.

  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    @onix I agree with the sentiment that if you keep turning a blind eye to the bad going on around you, then you are helping to perpetuate it.

    I also agree that ignorance is not bliss; for the same reason, it allows things to perpetuate.

    So here is my question for you.

    Does giving this person the notoriety and exposure he sought when committing these crimes, well beyond what he achieved at the time, reward him and feed into the sick minds of those who would look for similar attention?

    I do get the point you are making regarding the internet community coming together to stop him and make a difference. The issue is, how do you share such a story and get the balance right? 

    As an individual I stood alone.
    As a member of a group I did things.
    As part of a community I helped to create change!

  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering

    That is so true and like you, I can't remember who first said it - I shall google it or it will irritate me all day.

    I believe it is duly noted in psychiatric info books that's one of the factors that leads to a person progressing from animal cruelty/harm to human cruelty/harm through the various stages to becoming a serial killer.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,065 Scope online community team
    As a community, we encourage debate and conversation and acknowledge that we all have differences of opinion. The original thread relating to the first post in this thread was, I believe, intended to spark discussion regarding a new Netflix TV documentary. It asked whether anyone had watched the documentary and what was thought of it. It was certainly not created as a means of condoning the actions of the events that inspired the programme. However, discussion became heated and the decision was made to close the thread. As above, all of us will have different opinions on TV programmes, documentaries, movies, books, world events and a whole lot more. Since the theme of this thread seems to be concerned with debating whether the documentary should have been made, it will (as long as discussions remain civil and in line with our community guidelines) remain open.
    Community Manager
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    Thanks Adrian. Think we can debate whether this kind of stuff should be aired or not, for the various reasons given in this thread, till the cows come home - there is no clear answer. Should it be aired, therefore made public knowledge (and maybe encourage other, let's face it, mentally unstable individuals to do likewise) or just silenced. And these things will still continue to some extent anyway, among those seeking to glorify themselves in some distorted manner. There is no clearcut answer, we come down on either side of that fence. But the one thing we must NEVER do is sit on that fence!!
  • newborn
    newborn Community member Posts: 832 Pioneering
    As well as the quote about good men doing nothing,  there are lines something  like 'first they came for the jews, and I was not a jew, so I did nothing.  Then they came for......and I was not.'... so on.....then  'finally they came for me, and there was nobody left to help me'
  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering

    Many thanks, I was fortunate enough to have missed most of the vile comments. 
    I am happy for this topic to either have comments turned off so people can still read it or for it to be removed completely - whichever way Admin feels is better.


    And therein lies the problem. Notoriety to gain a capture or nothing, which could backfire as he feels he has to go bigger and better. I would liken that issue to the same as terrorists - do we keep showing the atrocities they commit or do we have a total news blackout so that they remain the unknown.


    Totally agree. There cannot be any reason to sit on the fence regardless.
  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    @Onix I did see your original post and sorry that you received abuse by a few members here. I thought it had the potential for a good discussion.

    To be clear, I have not expressed my personal view if this documentary should have been shown or not. I raised some of the questions it raises. As I said, it is about getting the balance right. 

    There can be no discussion, however when those involved seek to polarise opinion. For this reason, I will not continue with this discussion.

    As an individual I stood alone.
    As a member of a group I did things.
    As part of a community I helped to create change!

  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering

    Do you mean me trying to polarize opinion?
    That aside, thank you for your input.
    After the original post got hijacked, it kind of put me off. I thought it had so much potential for an amazing discussion to do with the investigation, but I totally misread that one.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    @onix @Geoark
    Yes I'm not sure what you mean @Geoark .
    I think possibly enough said here anyway and @onix has made some good points. 
  • Onix
    Onix Community member Posts: 75 Pioneering
    I think it's a good place to close the chat.
    Between all who have joined in, it seems we are of a like mind in regards to the crime that was committed, which is obviously a good thing ?.

    I'm not sure how to turn comments off - if anyone knows, please give me a shout.

    Otherwise, hopefully @Adrian_Scope could do it ?.

    Thank you ??

  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Community member Posts: 1,439 Disability Gamechanger
    Before this thread finally sinks out of sight, I heard this today on YouTube and thought it was appropriate:

    God condones evil in this world so that man may learn love

    Pretty deep. A lesson for us all, as evil can be defined in many ways.

    Thanks for such a thought-provoking thread.
This discussion has been closed.
