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Keep making hmm noises and humming

Cutelady60 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
edited January 2020 in Mental health and wellbeing
I need to ask advice about something I suffer with twitches for quite sometime and I’ve now developed humming even when people are talking or tv is on my head just hears music or a song and latches on to it for ages until another tune takes over.I dont even know a lot of the time I’m doing it. If I’m not humming I’m making hmm noises it drives people mad lol well it’s not really funny is this a form of anxiety. I have panic attacks in the past and facial twitches I get also. I’m on mirzapine antidepressants for the last 6 months highest dose 45mg and one of the side effects can involuntary muscle spasms How can I stop this. Need some advice and support. Happy new year to you all xx


  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Cutelady60, thank` you for taking the time to share this with us. Is this something you have spoken to your GP about?

    It is possible it is part of a medication side-effect or a distraction technique you have developed for your anxiety.

  • emmarenshaw
    emmarenshaw Community member Posts: 710 Pioneering
    Welcome to the community  @Cutelady60 I definitely think it’s worth talking to your GP about what you’ve been experiencing. Please keep us posted with how you are getting on.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,164 Scope online community team
    Hi @Cutelady60. It sounds like you need to speak to your GP about the side-effects if it's causing you pain or distress. Unfortunately as this question is medical in nature, we're not really able to advise, but please speak to your GP and see what they say.
    Community Manager
  • Silver925
    Silver925 Community member Posts: 106 Courageous
    Hi I also suffer from anxiety and depression and have also had similar habits to yours. Such as twitching I have recently started picking at my fingers. I think these things go hand in hand with this kind of illness. When I was younger I had two nervous breakdowns and couldn't get my words out so I just hardly said anything. As for songs I think most people do that when a song won't leave your mind. I can be a pain but it is all quite normal behaviour with anxiety so don't worry. Take Care.
  • Silver925
    Silver925 Community member Posts: 106 Courageous
    I take Mirtazapine 45mg it can cause many side affects mine is loose stools. Check the leaflet that comes with your medicine. It will tell you if your symptoms could be caused by the medication and whether it is a mild side affects or serious side affects. Perhaps the dose is too strong for you speak to your Doctor.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Cutelady60, how are things going?

  • Cutelady60
    Cutelady60 Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Not seen the mental health doctor until the 28th but will let you know thanks all of you for your help and support 
    Tricia x
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    I hope it goes okay on the 28th @Cutelady60!

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Community member Posts: 6,388 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Cutelady60   Pleased to meet you. Sorry to hear what you are going through, please try not to concern yourself.

    I have a long term mental health issue . I am one of the team of community champions.

    Have expertise, knowledge on mental health.

    Learnt from Mental Health charities which use here to support members of our community have mental health.

    Twitches, ticks and shakes, are part of the medications you take. A natural side effect.

    Others include stomach, bowel issues. Sweating, an increased appetite the feeling of tiredness.

    Mirtazapine a common anti depressant used as a night time meds. Useful for sleep but can cause insomnia, a common trait. Must need to take two hours before bedtime.

    Combine that with foods to induce sleep. Pasta, Rice and Potatoes.  Helps. Whole grains, beans and pulses.

    Can be alarming, can be distressing, I know been on life times of meds.

    Please any concerns speak to your GP.  As they may need to reduce the dosage.

    As for the humming, singing making noises.  Ear worms music, poems can be useful.

    This is a coping method, strategy you describe, nothing wrong in doing singing,, humming or in one case I know of reciting a story or a joke constantly.

    We need methods to cope with the fear of flight syndrome.

    This the feeling of insecurity and anxious being in stressful situations.

    I sing favourite songs to my self with out knowing or talk to my self.

    Any one who meets me has been know me to singing, Fly Me to The Moon or Gotta be Me.  Anything to give me confidence, self esteem.

    Helps me calm and reassured that need to be comfortable, the brain and the mental side of anxiety.

    Sets off this, nothing wrong if its embarrassing to your friends or family be honest open say why.

    I do as was in Curry's recently.

    Told them as ended up talking and reciting jokes, stories times with friends.

    Helps, do know of one case mentioned earlier. This former friend  reciting the story of her experiences.

    Can be difficult to understand for some people but that is there problem not yours.

    I think what is important to find what helps you.

    Also have these organisation, mental health charities.

    Please consider using these if you think any support you have now is not working. 

    Your entitled to good mental health wellbeing.

    Offer floating support, welfare, health advice, guidance, on your issues. Look at benefits and anything else.

    Please contact me anytime if you need to ask any questions.

    Pleasure to meet you.

    Please take care.


    Community Champion
    SCOPE Volunteer Award Engaging Communities 2019
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