Scoliosis — Scope | Disability forum
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Miz Community member Posts: 2 Listener
Hi everyone, i have scoliosis and find it very debilitating, the doctors are playing around with pain meds, has anyone found pain meds that are good?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 54,530 Disability Gamechanger
    HI and welcome,

    I'm one of the community champions here on scope and i'm here to help and advise others.

    We are no medical professionals here and i'm afraid we will not be able to give you any medical advice. What may suit one person may not suit another. If you're unhappy with the GP you are currently seeing then i'd advise you to see a different one. Hopefully they will be a little more understanding.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,882 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @Miz

    Have you talked to your doctor or not? Ask your doctor if he or she can refer you to a physiotherapist. That may help you control the pain. Do not be afraid to see a new doctor if you are continually being disrespected by your medical team. 
    Swimming is also a good exercise to do. 
  • Topkitten
    Topkitten Community member Posts: 1,285 Pioneering
    The Pain Clinic can adjust your medications but like all hospital staff can only recommend to your GP to continue them. I have had a few adjustments completely disregarded by GP's due to a lack of understanding of my problems.

    There are many different pain killers which are broadly split into 2 groups once you get past the Paracetamol and Ibruprofen / Naproxen stage. The first group is all opiate based and begins with Cocodamol but opiates are not very good at treating nerve pain (such as sciatica) unless you use unnecessarily high levels of them. The other group are specifically used for nerve damage / pain and these are Amitryptylene, Nortryptylene, Pregabalin, Gebapentin and Duloxitine. These work very differently to opiates which act immediately. They are designed to accumulate within the body and so will not give full effect for usually a couple of weeks. Amitryptylene, Nortryptylene and Duloxitine were initially developed as anti-depressants and can also be prescribed for that. Pregabalin and Gebapentin are often problematic as they were developed to treat Epilepsy and side-effects are sometimes strange.

    I would like to state that I am not a medical professional so am not recommending any in particular, I am just giving you information to discuss with a doctor. What I have said is based on 14 years of using steadily stronger and stronger pain killers and have, at some point or other, been on every pain killer available (including the strongest opiate Fentanyl). However, I would also like to state that coping strategies and methods such as those taught by the Pain Clinic can be as much, if not more, useful than medication. My personal opinion of Physiotherapists is quite low as they never seem to understand that my condition (like some others) is detrimentally affected by exercise. I have even been called a liar to my face by one or two when explaining to them what specialists have explained to me about my condition (has also happened with a few GP's). This is the problem of having a condition no one has ever heard of, fortunately for you (in some ways) doctors will understand your condition as it is fairly well known.

    There is one mistake that is best to avoid. Do not read the list of side effects until you have been using a new medication for a couple of weeks or until you have some definite detrimental effect. The mind is very powerful and it is sometimes possible to convince yourself that you are getting a side effect that is more imagined than real. DO read the general instructions though especially regarding food or drink that may cause problems with some medications. Grapefruit (fruit or squash), for example, causes problems when mixed with quite a few medications.

    "I'm on the wrong side of heaven and the righteous side of hell" - from Wrong side of heaven by Five Finger Death Punch.
  • deb74
    deb74 Community member Posts: 814 Pioneering
    Hi Miz I have also got scoliosis which I was born with. I used to take high strength ibuprofen and co-proxamol but eventually they stopped working. The dr then put me on voltarol but I had a bad reaction to it so I was prescribed volatrol gel. I still use it and find that it helps with the pain.
  • Miz
    Miz Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks guys, only people with this can understand. Very help insights from you both, i know your not medical but i often find those who have it can give helpful information. I appreciate it.
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 647 Pioneering
    Just saying I totally agree with what topkitten said. Word for word as though it writain it myself

  • 1Newbridge
    1Newbridge Community member Posts: 15 Courageous
    I was born with a scoliosis,as I’ve got older Ived had more pain.. The most successful combination for me is 75mg Amitriptiline with 250mg Naproxen 3 times a day. It’s not perfect but it works for me.
