Adult autism diagnosis — Scope | Disability forum
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Adult autism diagnosis

madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
I have bipolar and have been told by many friends and therapists that I have traits like a person with autism I'm just wondering what's the best way to go about getting a diagnosis??


  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @madmax1988 and a very warm welcome to the community!
    To gain a test for a diagnosis you would have to be referred by your GP.
    Also, here is some information from the National Autistic Society that you might find useful.
    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. :) 

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,063 Scope online community team
    Hi @madmax1988. From experience, the waiting lists can be quite long and there can sometimes be a bit of resistance. However, if getting a diagnosis is something you want and would help you, try not to be disheartened and make sure to keep pushing for it! :smile:
    Community Manager
  • VOB
    VOB Community member Posts: 45 Pioneering
    Hi when I was 60 my Phsyciatrist mentioned to me that he thought I had Autism this did not surprise me in the least as I had often thought it. I have some strange ways. I have been treated for depression for over 25 years and I'm sure most of this is Autism related. The phsyciatrist said I had grown to live with it so didn't need a written diagnosis.
    I have however after another relapse in my mental health been given the forms to fill in and refer myself for an Autism assessment. I have sent the forms back 2 weeks ago but haven't heard anything back yet but will add to this when I find out my next stage of the process.
    My son has it but not diagnosed, my granddaughter who is diagnosed and my grandson who hasn't yet been diagnosed. This must be a family thing.
    If you want a diagnosis then keep pushing for one.
    Good luck.?
  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Thanks everyone mainly it's my strange ways doing things and my inability to look someone in the eye most people pick up on feels like when I look someone in the eyes they are burning into mine dont know if this is anyone else's experience.
  • VOB
    VOB Community member Posts: 45 Pioneering
    I have felt guilty most of my life because I rarely make eye contact with people. I think they must think how rude I am so occasionally I will Forse myself to Look at them and it feels really  awkward. I always thought it was lack of confidence. But since finding out that I may be on the spectrum it explains a lot.
  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    The thing people notice about me that leads to these thought of autism and in my own thoughts about it is the eye contact I cannot look anyone in the eyes without feeling like they are burning into me i also get what my flatmate used to call locked on and he had to keep saying to me stop being locked on to stop me arguing or repeating the same point. I also have obessision like vinyl and video games collect excessive amounts of them
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @madmax1988, lovely to hear from you. It sounds like you can find social situations stressful? I hope your GP is helpful and can make a referral they think that would be helpful. :)  

  • happyheffa
    happyheffa Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi, I was diagnosed last year, aged 46. I was referred by Gp and waited 16 months for appointment. Once the appointment date came it was a very quick process, being told that I was on the spectrum there and then. I received a formal letter of diagnosis shortly after, and am now attending Autism Counseling via the diagnostic service.
    I can't say that a diagnosis is going to change who or how I am, but it has permitted me to be a little kinder on myself and stop trying to ignore my discomfort for the benefit of others.

    I hope you find the process as I did.
  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Chatted to some friends about it most of them agree i should go and get a diagnosis just for the sake of understanding myself
  • kami24
    kami24 Community member Posts: 402 Pioneering
    I probably have autism too as socially i struggle and have no friends and i can't make relationships and feel upset with people talking in the background whilst I watch tv or any background noise when I am home alone I think they are making noise to annoy me personally - which could be true who knows!! 
  • kami24
    kami24 Community member Posts: 402 Pioneering
    I live alone and have emotionally unstable personality disorder too which is kind of controlled with medication. Also many people with Autism do have other mental illnesses alongside autism which can sometimes be confused with the autism or you may have been misdiagnosed even and it could actually be Autism as this also happens quite a lot 
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @madmax1988, how are you getting on?

    Thank you for sharing this with us @kami24.

  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Hi i have a doctors appointment for something else soon but im going to ask about adult autism diagnosis whilst with the doctor have discussed this with friends and they think its a good idea to push for it to understand more about myself.
  • VOB
    VOB Community member Posts: 45 Pioneering
    Hi@ madmax1998
    I put my forms in for an autistic assessment about 3 months ago. They were given to me by my CPN.
    I telephoned them today and they said I am on the list but I would probably be waiting until next winter for an appointment. Hope yours is quicker than mine all though at 61 does it even matter.
  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    Well its only a week till i go to the doctors so im going to ask then i hope it might be quicker because of my bipolar but last they said it would be a conflicting diagnosis so decided not to do it. I do have things that make me feel like im autisic like the over sensitive brain i have to situations where lots of people are around places such as supermarkets and bars often make me feel overloaded and anxious to the point i dont tend to go out much on my own because of this level of social anxiety i have.
  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Posts: 10,586 Disability Gamechanger
    I hope the appointment goes okay @madmax1988! Please do let us know. :)

  • IrishManc
    IrishManc Community member Posts: 56 Pioneering
    Hi @madmax1988. From experience, the waiting lists can be quite long and there can sometimes be a bit of resistance. However, if getting a diagnosis is something you want and would help you, try not to be disheartened and make sure to keep pushing for it! :smile:
    I have read your previous posts and links to websites on this topic, as being age 49, I suspect that I might have Aspergers, but potentially face huge obstacles to getting a referral for formal diagnosis, even though the disability adviser at my local jobcentre requires it, as my local GP’s first language is not English (they are Sikhs), services in the Greater Manchester area are geared towards children, where even if the GP does refer me to the team, the team will refuse to refer on - culturally, in some cultures, any reference to mental health issues are not deemed relevant and where my GP does not even understand aspects of Irish culture - I would really struggle to get past step 2 of one of your previous advice posts 
  • madmax1988
    madmax1988 Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    IrishManc said:
    Hi @madmax1988. From experience, the waiting lists can be quite long and there can sometimes be a bit of resistance. However, if getting a diagnosis is something you want and would help you, try not to be disheartened and make sure to keep pushing for it! :smile:
    I have read your previous posts and links to websites on this topic, as being age 49, I suspect that I might have Aspergers, but potentially face huge obstacles to getting a referral for formal diagnosis, even though the disability adviser at my local jobcentre requires it, as my local GP’s first language is not English (they are Sikhs), services in the Greater Manchester area are geared towards children, where even if the GP does refer me to the team, the team will refuse to refer on - culturally, in some cultures, any reference to mental health issues are not deemed relevant and where my GP does not even understand aspects of Irish culture - I would really struggle to get past step 2 of one of your previous advice posts 
    I was actually able to put on the waitlist and am now waiting for an assessment in around 8 weeks.
  • IrishManc
    IrishManc Community member Posts: 56 Pioneering
    Hi @madmax1988. From experience, the waiting lists can be quite long and there can sometimes be a bit of resistance. However, if getting a diagnosis is something you want and would help you, try not to be disheartened and make sure to keep pushing for it! :smile:
    Being age 49, which makes the diagnosis of Aspergers more difficult to diagnose in my case (possibly also expensive, even when on Universal Credit), and trying to get this formal diagnosis via GP referral to specialist as the jobcentre disability advisor and my work coach are both insisting on (many difficult conversations with them around this issue) as they feel that it would open doors to me, the problem is that my local GP surgery will not take appointments for this because of Covid 19 (even though the law says they have to) and my GP’s first language is not English - surely there has to be some kind of workaround or alternative to GP referral? - I’m in Manchester so surely there must be some local charities who could provide the referral? 
