Hygiene for Hemiplegic Hand and Mobility Equipment — Scope | Disability forum
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Hygiene for Hemiplegic Hand and Mobility Equipment

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,659 Scope online community team
edited March 2020 in Cerebral palsy
We all need to follow basic hygiene precautions, especially at this challenging time.

We all know about not touching our faces, covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue or into our elbow. However, we need to be thoughtful about not only hemiplegic hands but also equipment that we might use on a day to day basis
Tips on keeping equipment clean:

Anything which is touched regularly is a possible risk area for contamination. Below should be wiped down regularly with clean or gloved hands.

-Walking equipment etc; crutches, sticks, frames, standers,

-Wheelchairs and accessories; belts, arm supports, handles, footplates etc.

-AAC equipment; touch screens and joysticks, mounting brackets and the edges of devices.

Tips on washing a Hemi hand:

-Fill up the sink with warm water and rinse both hands in soapy water.

-Equipment that could help clean your good hand, body puff, flannel put soap on it and rub it using the side of the sink to work up a lather. Get the lather over the whole of your hand, then rinse off.

-Make sure you dry your hemiplegic hand in all the creases thoroughly.

-If you are not using your Hemi hand functionally it doesn't need to be washed as often as your functional hand as it won't be exposed to as many surfaces.

Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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