Poem important about isolating coronavirus — Scope | Disability forum
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Poem important about isolating coronavirus

Globster Community member, Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,385 Disability Gamechanger
  Poem important about isolating coronavirus

So listen to the government and stay at home to stop the spread of the Coronavirus

Experts are advising, so people need to heed the warning.

Let’s stop the transition of the Coronavirus

Foolishly, the people are disobeying the government’s requests 

Isolated at home 

Stay at home and help stop the curve of the virus 

On the positive side you can spend time with your family 

Let’s check on our elderly neighbours and elderly family members during isolation time 

Are you ready to talk to an elderly person by phone because they may not have any family members to talk to?

Time on your hands to do what you love and are passionate about?

I have a feeling it is allowing many people to show off their talent on videos that are going viral on social media platforms, which are bringing smiles to many people’s faces at a difficult time for the country to combat the coronavirus

Okay, just stay safe 

Now it’s our time to do our bit to stand together combating the coronavirus

I am a Community Volunteer Host. Please note: if I use the online community outside of its hours of administration, I am doing so in a personal capacity only.


