Gardening — Scope | Disability forum
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Dragonslayer Community member Posts: 2,165 Pioneering


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,125 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi again Alan @Dragonslayer - Are you a fellow gardener? I've found pottering in the garden has helped during the lovely weather. Haven't been beyond my garden for 8 or 9 weeks, so I'd like to think it keeps me sane. My son might disagree! Your step grandson gave you a great name. :)
  • Dragonslayer
    Dragonslayer Community member Posts: 2,165 Pioneering
    Hi Chiarieds
    I like a good garden and like you I haven't been beyond mine for the same period of time. (Apart from the prescription pick up). Sadly now both my wife and I can't do the work anymore. I hit the wrong button and sent just the start of my intended message. ( Please see later post). And you will see what I meant to convey.
    I'm pleased to hear you enjoy your garden, along with the weather and it's also good to know if keeps you sane. We all need that in these times. 
    I love my given middle name?
    Keep pottering and enjoy.

  • Ails
    Ails Community member Posts: 2,256 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Dragonslayer and welcome to the Community.  It's nice to meet you.  How are you today?  That's nice you enjoy your garden, but not so good if you and your wife can't do the work in it anymore.  Gardens do get to a point where they become a lot of work, don't they?  It's good you can still enjoy going out in your garden though.  I too enjoy pottering about in the garden and the sunshine has been lovely lately hasn't it?  I find I can only manage a bit of weeding, planting seeds and re-potting the plants as my husband does the heavier work.  I always think going out into the garden in the lovely weather really does lift us up and makes us feel better, especially during these hard times.  

    I really like your username by the way.  I hope you enjoy your time with us on the Community and I look forward to seeing you on here.  If we can be of any help/support to you then please just let us know.  All the best.  :smiley:
    Winner of the Scope New Volunteer Award 2019.   :)
  • Dragonslayer
    Dragonslayer Community member Posts: 2,165 Pioneering
    Hi. Ails
    Thanks for the welcome. I am enjoying the community and being a part of it. I'm fine  by the way, thanks for asking I hope I find you in the same way. Things are tough for all of us at the moment but we all find something to help us through, like spending time in the garden and enjoying the weather. That's the reason my wife and I want to pave over the garden and instead have large pots around that will be easier to manage and have access to.
    It's just finding a reliable landscape gardening company to do the work for us. That's why I was hoping someone on here knows of someone. 
    I love the username my (Stepgrandson) have me.
    Stay safe

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,125 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi Alan @Dragonslayer - I've found your intended post. @woodbine has given great info, so I only have a little to add. Whilst you might get gardening work done, currently it might be far harder as far as paving goes. I have a joiner, who is a 'treasure.' He was due to visit both my son & I, but this had to be cancelled due to Covid-19 as he said builder's merchants had closed. I imagine the paving work is therefore the more difficult of the 2.
    I'm fortunate in that my 'garden' is small....3 raised beds, to which a 4th was added. One for herbs, one for flowers, & the others for vegetables + lots of containers. So, thankfully easy to manage, if I remember to not do too much at a time!
    I hope you get your garden sorted, but you might have to wait. Dependent on where you live, if the gardening work had been done, my joiner also does paving, amongst other things. He's not cheap, but is a perfectionist. He will travel to jobs not local, but understandably needs recompense for this. He has travelled as far as Europe. He's in high demand, but I could put in a word for you. He's very loyal to the customers he has; charges by the day, but has been with me by 8am (as it takes him an hour to get here), & was still here at 7pm when he was fitting me a new kitchen. Btw I'm in North Yorkshire, just in case you're nearby. :)
  • Dragonslayer
    Dragonslayer Community member Posts: 2,165 Pioneering
    Hi Chiarieds
    I am down here in West Yorkshire, Leeds to be exact. Your Joiner seems ideal and it would be great if you could put a word in for me, that is if he would travel down here? I understand what you say about things being hard and how tough it may be to get paving, but hopefully soon things will be back to this new normal everyone is talking about. We also have a small garden and what you have in yours seems to be something like we are looking for. Thank you for the offer of help. That is very kind of you.
    Stay safe
    Alan (Dragonslayer) 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,125 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Dragonslayer - I will certainly ask him when I speak to him next, & let you know, Alan. :)
