Living for today when the future cannot be guaranteed — Scope | Disability forum
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Living for today when the future cannot be guaranteed

66Mustang Community member Posts: 13,771 Disability Gamechanger

My PIP runs until early 2022 and I have been worrying about having to go through the process of applying for it again, knowing first hand how much of a fight it can be. I am worried about it being reduced or stopped and I am especially concerned about losing my Motability vehicle, which I use to regularly go to a clinic which is a 100 mile round trip.

There is then the chance that my ESA may be reduced. I am currently in the support group but a review could come any day and I could be removed from the group. However, in contrast to with PIP I have had a good experience with the ESA assessment process previously.

If I lost some of my PIP and the support group ESA at the same time, I couldn’t afford to live. I know that is a lot of “if”s but it is still a worry.

For now, I have decided that the only thing that can be done is to make the most of the present - appreciate today now and worry about the future when it arrives. For example, with me, at this current time I am financially stable so I will make the most of it for now because I don’t know what will happen in the future. I will use this time where I am fortunate to have a little money and a car to seek out treatment for my conditions. Then, I can worry about the other things, like re-applying for PIP, when they happen. Maybe I will even be well enough in a few years that I won’t be needing benefits anyway (I am “fortunate” in that I have a condition that is somewhat curable).

When the future is not guaranteed, I think that’s all you can do really, isn’t it?

Does anyone agree? Do you feel in a similar situation?


  • CJ61
    CJ61 Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
    Reading your post made me cry a little bit. I could have written most of it about me. Only just won my PIP appeal (last month) but I'm up for reassessment in Sept 21 and I'm already worrying about it and wondering what to do if it all goes wrong again. I take heart in what you say about living for now because I dont think any of us can know what the future holds. On my really down days I can see this pandemic being the beginning of the end for the human race. You are so right and I will try to live for the present. I hope you do too.
  • Ronni
    Ronni Community member Posts: 161 Pioneering

    Hope all is good. 

    With me, I've  no i dea when mine ends. I just wait for a letter i guess .

    Theres no way to determine what changes will be made to the system in time. And what assistance I will get.

    So yes I agree with you.

    Enjoy now.

    Well I'm enjoying
    the small achievements I have made in the past month thanks to help on here.

    I couldn't just wait around. I do what i can  on my list. Finding answers  and help myself.

    So yeah I'm happy  with each tiny step. I Know I'm moving forward , slowly through my list .

    Have no idea how much I will achieve or where it will lead. 

    Financially I'm fine it all the other things care support health, adaptions.

    Things are slowly being done for first time in 15 years so yeah I'm enjoying the moment.

    Love reading your posts.
    Thanks for sharing again.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 13,771 Disability Gamechanger
    Thank you very much for the kind posts.

    @CJ61 I'm glad you can relate to my post. I agree is it not just the benefits system that means we should live for today. Anything could happen like the coronavirus or even a war. I am now seeing elderly relatives who have worked and saved hard all of their lives going into care and having to pay out of their own pocket yet the people who spent all their money get help from the government. My relatives should have lived for the day and just enjoyed their money when they had the chance!

    @RonniI think you are right about taking little steps and appreciating each little victory over your conditions. Making steps forward however small has to be a good thing, it is definitely better than a step back. I also agree the finance is only a part of the whole picture, getting the right support whatever form that may come in is just as important if not more so.

    Thanks again and I wish you both well. :)
