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Sensory overload advice?

Francis_theythem Community member Posts: 120 Pioneering
edited October 2020 in Autism and neurodiversity
I'm currently going through diagnosis so I don't know much about things at the moment. I was hoping if anyone had any advice about dealing with sensory overload? For me it's visual and auditory based


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,741 Disability Gamechanger
    edited October 2020
    Hi @Francis_theythem How are you today?  I hope things are okay  <3

    I've no experience of sensory overload but found this article 'People explain what sensory overload feels like' that you might be able to relate to.   Does this sound like how you feel?

    This website has tips on how to deal with sensory overload that I hope help until someone who has experienced similar comes along.
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  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,122 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Francis_theythem - I remember you saying, I think, that you have the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), as do I. The first link Cher gave mentions has been found that the pain people with hEDS have is most likened to fibromyalgia. Now it may not be the same at all, plus I have neurological issues which I've normally attributed my difficulties to, but I certainly have hyperacusis, & have had this for as long as I can remember. I'm also very sensitive to light, & light touch. So, it might be a hEDS thing; it's hard to know. Proprioception (being aware of where your limbs are in relation to space), mentioned in the 2nd link Cher gave, can also be an EDS thing (but not limited to that). Gaining an understanding of proprioception as a physio student has helped me since, but I realise I'm constantly looking around to help when I'm moving, which is also very tiring.
    Are your problems recent, or have you had them a while, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Francis_theythem
    Francis_theythem Community member Posts: 120 Pioneering
    @chiarieds my psychologist said she thinks I might have autism, and the questionnaire she gave me says it's likely, so it's more that side of things than hypermobility.
    With me, it's more sensory processing difficulties rather than sensitivity (though I have light and sound sensitivity also). It takes the shape of Irlen's Syndrome and currently undiagnosed auditory processing disorder. I have too many things to see people about and auditory processing is kinda low down the list of priorities.
    Irlen's was recognised when I was about 16, and auditory processing uhh 14/15 I think?
    I know about proprioception being connected to EDS - it's on the diagnostic criteria, but I wasn't aware of the others. I previously put my sensitivity down to ME when I developed ME, PoTS etc in 2016, but maybe it's partly EDS too... interesting.   
    Thanks for the links @Cher_Scope, I'll have a look
