Botox - Hamstrings tight, anyone had it done ? - 29 years old — Scope | Disability forum
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Botox - Hamstrings tight, anyone had it done ? - 29 years old

Noah Community member Posts: 425 Pioneering
edited June 2014 in Cerebral palsy
My hamstings are very tight and painful - I personally belive they are contributing to some issues with my knees, If I could get them released then I belive it may unlock a lot more pretential in my mobility etc. Just looking for any experiences or exersises that any one has found effective.

Thanks in advance



  • JDWilson
    JDWilson Community member Posts: 90 Listener
    Samantha is only 12 and has her hamstrings lenghthened 4 wks ago She now sleeps in Gaiters to keep her knees straight. She will need to do this for 3 months. She has to do some Long sitting on her bum legs out in front press down on knees.Seems to have helped so far but she carn't walk at present has had 2 big ops in last 3 months. She is standing with a walker and taking a few steps has to work on Standing tall knees straight bum in. Good Luck
  • niceboots
    niceboots Scope Member Posts: 198 Pioneering
    Hi, I'm 24 and had botox in my calfs and hamstrings at about 15.
    I only had one treatment so it wore off after a few months, but it did really help, especially with hamstrings.
    after the injections I had lots of physio, and wore gaiters both over night and at times during the day to stretch my hamstrings. I still wear the gaiters overnight and to help with physio now, I find them really helpful, especially if I have been very active and have over done things - which is pretty much all the time!!! Gaiters do take a bit of getting used to at first, and I find that when I've been wearing them for a bit, I have to keep adjusting them as the muscle lengthens. I have been wearing them regularly since about age 5, so actually find it easier to sleep with them on as they do help to reduce the twitchyness I often get at night.

    hope this helps
