Anti-bullying tips and experiences — Scope | Disability forum
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Anti-bullying tips and experiences

Emma Community member, Scope Member Posts: 85 Connected
17-21 November is National Anti-bullying Week. We’d like to raise awareness of the issues around bullying disabled people and their families have to face, so we want to hear your tips and experiences. If your child has ever been bulled, how did you deal with it? If you’ve experienced bullying yourself, what got you through? Please share!


  • rachelcl
    rachelcl Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    So many individuals and organisations - including the police - are ignorant about the bullying of disabled people. People are especially ignorant about the bullying of those of us with hemiplegia and CP who aren't wheelchair users. I've had people angrily tell me that I should stop dragging my right (hemi-affected) leg because (I quote) "Your right leg is not disabled because you're not in a wheelchair, you're too young to have anything wrong with your leg (I'm nearly 41) and dragging your right leg just draws attention to your right arm so you must like being bullied". (And these thick people think I'M stupid.)
