AFO — Scope | Disability forum
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measles Community member Posts: 2 Listener
My child is 8 years old with mild CP. He has worn AFO and DAFO daytime and night splints. Last orthotics appointment AFO was made of the same hard plastic as the night splints and son is swinging his leg out in it to walk, complaining that it is heavy. He walks bending his knee and with normal hip movement its simply a case without AFO he walks on his toes. Orthotics tell me as a child gets older the plastic in the AFO gets thicker because they get stronger. However I have the feeling I'm being spun a yarn so that the expense of another AFO is not incurred. Currently I am waiting for appointment with both the Orthotics and physio together to check child. Problem - last AFO had a slight crack near Velcro opening but the AFO had been worn solidly for at least 12 months. The crack may be due to wear and tear or it may have been stood on at school by an adult when changing son for swimming which has only started in last 6 months at school. Can anyone
advise do AFO's get thicker as the child grows. They are trying to tell me the crack occurred because he was trying to get on his toes and if this was the case then why is there no marks on his heels or elsewhere from pressure?


  • Noah
    Noah Community member Posts: 425 Pioneering
    Yes plastic afo's do often crack after time. They are made with thicker plastic and sometimes reinforcements according to the user's weight. Please see my other posts on the subject of leg braces and afo's. Hope that is of some help. Feel free to ask any questions on the forum. All the best. Noah
  • measles
    measles Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Noah thanks for your reply
