Don't seem to be any half day jobs anywhere — Scope | Disability forum
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Don't seem to be any half day jobs anywhere

Anne87 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
This discussion was created from comments split from: I’m Michelle, and I’m a Pre-Employment Advisor.


  • Anne87
    Anne87 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi, i am currently working 10 hours a week and doing a 3 hour a week course to train to become a counsellor. I've been at my present job for 4 years but next year my contract comes to an end and because of the type of work will not be extended. I can only work half days and want to continue my course which means i will only be able to work 3 mornings or afternoons a week. Looking around there don't seem to be any half day jobs anywhere which is concerning. I want to work and feel able to work some hours and don't want to be unemployed just because I can only do half days. My question is where can I find help with this issue? I live in Surrey. Thanks. 
