Access to Work and Driving with the CP Startle Reflex — Scope | Disability forum
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Access to Work and Driving with the CP Startle Reflex

the_velvet_girl Community member Posts: 108 Courageous
I'm not able to drive just now due to my startle reflex. I have a job interview this week and would need Access to Work for taxis as it is a community based job. When I phoned up to apply for Access to Work I was told to phone back when I had a written job offer. I'm now worried the interviewer will choose someone who is able to drive and not have wait for funding for transport. I am also concerned that if I accept the job I might not get Access to Work funding and have to fund taxis myself. Has anyone got any experience of using Access to Work?
I was advised by my GP to stop driving due to my startle reflex which has left me feeling a bit isolated. Has anyone got any tips for controlling or minimizing the dreaded startle when driving?


  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,659 Scope online community team
    Hi Velvet
    I have used ATW for quite a while and on the whole I find it really good. I far as I know you can only get the support once you are in employment. I would get the cab to the interview and keep the receipts. At the interview just mention you have your own transport, you do not have specify what method of transport it is. ATW also process applications relatively quickly. I wish I could offer to advice on startle reflex but sadly, as you know I cannot.
    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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