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Disabled parents

Claire83 Community member Posts: 4 Connected
Hi I have 2 children 7 and 5. I  use a walker to get around as have really bad balance and can't walk w without it, i sound funny  (quiet and it's really hard for me too speak but I  make a  big effort with speaking to my kids so I do a lot), have terrible double vision made better by a coloured contact lens which 


  • Claire83
    Claire83 Community member Posts: 4 Connected
    I pressed send before I was ready - what I want to know is how do other disabled parents function?? I  had a big brain hemorrhage and it was hard enough before...
  • milo
    milo Community member Posts: 129 Pioneering
    Hi @Claire83 . I'm the step dad of a 17 year old who is on the spectrum. In addition, I'm a full time wheelchair user. I know that my situation is a little different to yours but I know how hard it can be to be an active involved parent when you are dealing with your own disabilities too. Don't get me wrong, it's not all an uphill battle and we have a lot of great times too but a parent's disability undoubtably can complicate matters as if being a parent isn't challenging enough to begin with.

    It is odd though as I genuinely feel that the relationship I have with my step daughter is actually all the better and stronger because of our respective disabilities

    It's often said that there is no magic handbook to being a parent and I think that is doubly true when it comes to being a parent with a disability. That said, I wouldn't change what I have for anything despite all the challenges it presents.
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,659 Scope online community team
    Hi @Claire83. I'm a Dad to a crazy little 8 year old. I use a wheelchair, so at times it can be hard to keep up. When I first became a Dad I focused too much on the things that I found hard to do or couldn't do. Over time though, I have realised that none of that matters to my child so it shouldn't matter to me!
    Being a parent is hard no matter the situation!
    Specialist Information Officer and Cerebral Palsy Programme Lead

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  • laila
    laila Community member Posts: 48 Connected
    edited April 2017
    Hi @Claire83
    I m a mum of 2 daughters 31 and 28. They are married and have left the house.
         I know how it is to be diabled and to have children. Believe me children understand very well when you talk to them about your case. Try to make them help, they 'll be more responsable when they grow up. You 'll be surprised to notice that they can excell at doing many things.
       As somebody said, though it is tiring , it s more pleasure in being a parent than suffering.
