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Hi, my name is Tanya

TanyaN Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Just saying hi.  I have an ASD ADHD 22 year old son.  I have been disagnosed with PTSD and Chronic depression and anxiety and am currently waiting for an ADHD assessment.  It's nice to see that some people still consider mental health a disability, unlike our government!


  • GeoffBosworth195661
    GeoffBosworth195661 Community member Posts: 161 Pioneering
    Hi @TanyaN welcome you have made a very important point TanyaT the issue as spiralled out of control. The whole issue as caused devastation and should have been left alone, with more input of money in the system. This issue will not go away and swept under the mat it needs to be supported 100% not against it. I'm sorry about the depression you have but at least you are getting it soughted. Your son as had been diagnosed and if you have any concerns be very open when you go for your assessment. Don't forget Scope have a specialised team of advisors if you need to get in touch if you are feeling low. Take care Tanya and your son.