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ASD and starting school - Anxiety

japanisile1 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited June 2017 in Autism and neurodiversity
My son on autistic spectrum disorder is due to start secondary school in september. He  is becoming very anxious and start loosing sleep.

Please does anyone has tips on how to support him?


  • twister
    twister Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    I found it really useful to plan the event like a military campaign and give him a timetable of what will happen when, talk to him about the event and your emotions at doing the same, it may be years apart but I bet you can recall the feelings, I know I can. Take him to the school if you can before it closes and work out routine for trip to school, make sure senco knows and if applicable seek an EHP, I found the less pressure created the easier the entry was to school and thats were the planning came in. Are any of his friends going to same school, is it specialist or have staff that know how to respect a child with ASD. May also be worth you finding out or arranging some form of safety protocol, a safe place for him to go if he feels overwhelmed. Does he need fidget toys etc if so ask school permission before taking in.

    Hope that helped sorry a bit disjointed but in a bit of a hurry wish you and your son all the best for the adventure
  • [Deleted User]
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  • VioletFenn
    VioletFenn Community member Posts: 124 Pioneering
    Hi, @japanisile1

    Does the school have any plans in place for his transition? Many school are very good at providing support these days - it might be worth your while making an appointment with the SENCO there before the end of the summer, so that they can reassure you. Perhaps your son could visit with you? 

    So basically, everything that @twister said up there  ;)

    ASD advisor, Scope

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