Jobs as a high functioning adult (asd) — Scope | Disability forum
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Jobs as a high functioning adult (asd)

RDZ_photo Community member Posts: 7 Listener
does anybody here struggle to hold down a job or find they don't stay somewhere long before moving on. I feel like things always seem to go wrong for me in the workplace and have done a lot of agency work which I find suits me.

i feel like a diagnosis would help but I don't know how 


  • Geoark
    Geoark Community member Posts: 1,467 Disability Gamechanger
    Most of the jobs I have had have lasted around 2 years before I decided to move on, or was made redundant. Two exceptions, the first was working nights working mainly on my own, mundane and mainly manual. Most of all minimum contact with others. My current employer, who I have been with for around 4 years, but have changed position every 6 to 12 months. Though I would probably still have been with them still even if this wasn't the case, due to the completely different environment.

    Like you I am undiagnosed, though my daughter is. To be honest I don't feel the need for a diagnosis. Understanding ASD I can see where I have allowed things to go wrong in the past and I am mindful of the signs which tell me things are going wrong, or when I feel like making a rash decision I would later regret.

    Because of previous experiences I have learned that I can jump to the wrong assumptions and hold onto something far longer than most people would. So tend to let things go now and stop worrying about it. It is very easy to get into a pattern of how we react to given situations, which can end up with something small ending what can be a good job. So while it can be difficult to let some things go, over time they do seem to last for a short period.

    Understanding what the difficulties are makes it easier to find solutions. For me a big one is social interaction and activities. So now I will force myself to endure things which I would have previously avoided, but within a framework I can manage. For example at Christmas I will go for a meal with my team, but won't go on to a night club afterwards.

    This week I would have loved to attended the Pride parade, to show support for my friends and colleagues who are part of the LGBT community, but would not cope with the crowd, and would be in a lot of pain. Helping with the preparations for House Pride was both practical for me and within my means of showing colleagues my support.

    I hope this helps.

    As an individual I stood alone.
    As a member of a group I did things.
    As part of a community I helped to create change!


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